"Worlding" French-Canadian Literatures – ACLA Utrecht 2017
This seminar proposes to connect French-Canadian literatures to recent theories of world literature. These (Québécois, Franco-Ontarian, Acadian, Western Franco-Canadian) literatures have been fruitfully explored through the sociological method of Pascale Casanova’s World Republic of Letters (2004 [1999]), yielding research in their circulation, institutionalisation, and history of emergence. We suggest that the Casanova method has been so fruitful as to obfuscate alternative approaches to French-Canadian literatures as world literature. Hence, this seminar invites paper submissions about French-Canadian literatures that integrate alternative methods and theories of world literature, including but not limited to the works of David Damrosch, Djelal Kadir, Franco Moretti and Rebecca Walkowitz.
Possible paper themes can address the following topics, but are not restricted to them:
- The world in French-Canadian literatures;
- Reading French-Canadian literatures as world literature;
- Stylistics and the circulation of French-Canadian literatures;
- Qualitative and quantitative methods in French-Canadian literatures;
- Genres, innovation and hybridization in French-Canadian literatures;
- The circulation of French-Canadian literatures beyond France and the Francophonie;
- Globalization and French-Canadian literatures;
- Translations of French-Canadian literatures;
- Untranslatables in French-Canadian literatures;
- French-Canadian literatures in the Americas;
- French-Canadian literatures in the world;
- French-Canadian literatures and the world canon.
If you would like to propose a paper, please contact the seminar organizers, Andrea Cabajsky (andrea.cabajsky@umoncton.ca) and Nicole Nolette (nicole.nolette@acadiau.ca), to inquire about the appropriateness of your proposal.
Formal submissions through the website (http://acla.org/seminars)will open on September 1 and will run through September 23, 2016.
Seminar organizers will review all submitted papers and propose their rosters to the ACLA by Sept. 30. The ACLA Program Committee will review all submitted seminars for consideration for inclusion in the program in October.
For more information on the ACLA Annual Meeting, see http://www.acla.org/annual-meeting