Vient de paraître : Carol Brice-Bennett, Dispossessed. The Eviction of Inuit from Hebron, Labrador, Montréal, Laboratoire international d’étude multidisciplinaire comparée des représentations du Nord, coll. « Isberg », 2017, 216 p.
ISBN 978-2-923385-23-5
36 $
The experience of the men, women and children who were forced to leave their homes in the village of Hebron, on the northern coast of Labrador in 1959, is of universal importance: it is a tragedy that should never have happened in Nunatsiavut, in Canada, in the Arctic, or anywhere else in the world. Hebron Inuit suffered for the rest of their lives, uncertain if their pain was caused by themselves or by a decision made without their consent. Today, reading their story will not release our responsibility for the event, but it might tell the Inuit, wherever they are, that we are concerned and aware that such a situation should never be repeated.