

Appel – Colloque « Révoltes et révolutions »

A Conference in French & Francophone Studies
The University of Louisiana at Lafayette
March 23-24, 2018

Confirmed artist speaker : Simon Boulerice
(Quebec, Young adult literature/theater/poetry)
As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of May 68, this conference invites scholars not only to think about its legacy, but also to consider other revolts, revolutions, historical tipping points, and social/literary/political transformations (all centuries, all francophone regions). Possible topics include (but are not limited to) :

  • May 68, then and now
  • Arab Spring
  • Literature and Politics
  • La Francophonie, then and now
  • Queer revolutions, queer future
  • Young adult literature and social transformations
  • War, trauma
  • Visual representations

Abstract of 250 words should be sent to by Dec. 15, 2017. This conference aims to include 50 % Graduate students and 50 % faculty/scholars. The event will also  include an academic keynote (speaker, TBD).